Module 9 – Knowledge: Magnetic Energy System

Module 9 – Knowledge

Magnetic Energy System


Objective: Learning the knowledge and skills of becoming magnetic with your sales and marketing is an amazing accomplishment. Practicing and applying these skills on a consistent schedule may become challenging once in a while. The key to success is to believe what you learned about who you are and what you want. Then continue to apply this knowledge and these skills to become a leader in your industry.

  • Click here to download your PDF.
  • You may want to print it and save it in a 3-ring binder along with the other modules.

  • Watch video, Knowledge: Magnetic Energy System
  • Magnetic Sales and Marketing is a system for moving your magnetic energy into profits. In going through this program, you learned the three powerful energy points for creating success.

    1. PASSION – the powerful Core Passion® energy that drives you
    2. VISION – the burning desire energy to achieve something you value (profits)
    3. ACTION – a series of focused activities to create the movement necessary for profits to happen

    In the Passion of Magnetic Sales and Marketing, you learned about PASSION – WHO you are. Passion is an energy source. Passion is the most powerful fuel source for success. Passion is the human energy that powers the business energy. Passion moves things to happen – passion creates profits. You learned how to consciously use this energy source of passion to create profits in your life.

    In the Vision of Magnetic Sales and Marketing, you discovered it’s very important to have a clear VISION of WHAT you want; it is so much easier to get somewhere when you know where you are going.

    In the ACTION of Magnetic Sales and Marketing, you explored HOW you’re going to get to your vision. Inspired, planned actions and activities that focus on your Vision create the movements necessary for your success to happen.

    You learned how consciously using this magnetic energy source of passion can create profits in your life and magnetize the customers you want to work with.

    Remember, When you know WHO you are, you know WHAT to do.

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