Module 1 – Know Your Self

Module 1 – Know Your Self


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    Watch Introduction Video – Know Your Self from the Inside Out

    Module 1 – Know Your Self

    Objective:  The first key to being a magnetic salesperson is to know more about who you are from the inside out. Module 1 – Know Your Self is designed to bring awareness to your top driving energies that show up day after day in everything you do. You will know WHY you do what you do.


    For sales and marketing, it is extremely important for you to begin to understand the language of your Core Passion Codes. When you put words to this driving energy, you create clarity and focus in your marketing, your branding, your image and unique message. You have a language for your authenticity. You will use this language to become more magnetic when selling and marketing WHO you are as you do what you do.

    Being authentic is living your destiny to be who you are in each moment everywhere you go. The dictionary defines authentic as real or genuine, true and accurate. When you are authentic and passionate, people can actually feel this vibration as an energy you transmit. When you are confident of who you are, people, begin to develop a level of trust and can actually listen to what you are saying. This energy sets up a magnetic resonance which continues to echo even after you have finished speaking. The dictionary defines resonance as the quality of a sound that stays loud, clear, and deep for a long time; a quality that makes something personally meaningful or important to someone.

    Everything is Energy

    Everything is energy, energy creates movement, and movement produces results. Let’s look at how this unseen force works. We flip a switch; energy moves and a light appears. We open a faucet; energy moves and out rushes a liquid. The earth shifts; energy moves and a tsunami occurs.

    Let’s see how this unseen force works within you. When your Core Passion® energy is released, movement occurs, and results happen.

    Your Passion is the energy source that moves things to happen.

    We can measure this energy – it’s unseen but you can feel it. When you walk into a room, you can tell how someone is feeling even if they don’t tell you.

    The stronger the Passion– the bigger your magnetic energy field becomes

    You’ve taken the Core Passion Assessment and for the best results, carefully review your Core Passion® Profile and report. Pay attention to your top five Codes.

  • Activity #1 – The Language of Your Core Passion Codes
  • In your Activity Journal, write the name of the code in the first column for Activity #1. In the second column, write down phrases that feel like you.

    For sales and marketing, it is extremely important for you to begin to understand the language of your Core Passion Codes. You will use this language to become more magnetic when selling and marketing who you are as you do what you do.

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