Inner and Outer Journeys

Inner and Outer Journeys


The Career Seeker Roadmap is an adventure with a repeatable framework. The first step in the process begins with EXPLORE. The Inner Journey will guide you in defining yourself by exploring the questions, “Who am I? What do I want? What drives me?” The Outer Journey will guide you in defining your career by exploring the questions, “What do I want to do? Where do I find it?”

In any adventure, you must stop along the way to acclimate and reflect. There are two explorations on the Inner Journey road. Each one has its own tool. You will start with the Core Passion Assessment tool to find the energy that drives you and the words that describe you. In the report, you will discover your unique gifts and the language of your inner spirit. The second exploration on the Inner Journey road uses the Core Passion Codex tool. As you travel through the six Reflection Points, a few of the things you will discover are words for your purpose, your heart’s desire, and your values.

You are now ready to EXPLORE the Outer Journey which is the career exploration. The roadmap has led you to EXPLORE what you might want to do (occupation) and where you want to do it (industry and environment). You will apply what you learned about yourself by building a Career Opportunity Statement with three parts that include 1. exploring environment, 2. industry, and 3. occupation.

The Career Seeker Journal will guide you in applying all the learning to your life. Be sure to complete all the journal entries as you work through each step.

The Adventure continues. . .

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