Quest Deck

Exploring the Way

I enjoy the challenge of finding a new path. When I look at problems, situations or people, I excel at finding new possibilities and solutions. I believe I was born to explore, break old paradigms and push beyond the boundaries of social expectation.

Being Independent

First and foremost, I enjoy listening to my own drummer. Often I feel like I’m the outsider or I just don’t fit at gatherings or when working on a team. My joy comes from being unique, spontaneous and looking at things from a different perspective.

Starting New Ideas

It seems like I have an unending source of creative ideas. When I see projects or problems and focus my attention, it seems to open the floodgates of possibilities. Creating or starting new projects is what I enjoy most.

Creating my Destiny

I am aware that my thoughts create my future. As I become quiet and become one with my intentions, I am able to create a clear path of what I desire. Creating my destiny is an easy task when I am clear, focused and determined.

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