About your Talents and Abilities

About your Talents and Abilities


Your Talents and Abilities describe you. They are the skills and interests you have been developing all your life. Putting words to your Talents and Abilities creates the thread that connects what you have done in the past to what you want to do now and in the future. Your Talents & Abilities are the Career Qualities of the Codes.

You are naturally being drawn to develop certain talents and abilities. We believe these gifts are intuitively sourced from the energy generated by where you have been and what you have done. Your talents and abilities have also been influenced by your unique Core Passion Codes. Merging these energies with a focused plan of action are some of the key skills you will develop to identify and create a successful career path.

There are three things for you to observe and experience:

  1. Observe how certain career qualities will spark and engage your personal Core Passion Codes to create that connection you are looking for in a career.
  2. Observe how you feel when you align the talents and abilities you hold dear. This will be an important factor in researching a potential career opportunity.
  3. Explore which of your personal Core Passion Codes could apply your talents and abilities from a new perspective.

Click the RED Next arrow to select your Talents and Abilities statements.

Be sure to complete your journal entries for the Reflection Point, Talents and Abilities.

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